
给你的团队提供他们需要的技能和知识,以最大限度地发挥他们的电脑功能,并看着生产力飙升! 我们提供从基础到专家级别的软件研讨会,广泛选择来自Microsoft等提供商的供应商授权应用程序, Visio, Adobe and Quickboks. 


Microsoft Word (Beginning)
Focus on basic word processing terminology and editing; basic formatting of text and paragraphs; basic insertion and formatting of tables; basic page setup and printing options; and basic insertion and formatting of a variety of objects such as shapes, pictures, hyperlinks, WordArt and symbols. 

Microsoft Word (Intermediate)
Learn how to format text, paragraphs, whole pages and multi-page documents; mail merging options; and options for inserting and formatting of a variety of objects such as SmartArt, Quick Parts and drop cap.

Microsoft Word (Advanced)
Upon completion, 您将在MS Word中获得效率,并更能掌握设计专业文档的高级概念. 

Microsoft Excel 1 (Basic)
Learn basic spreadsheet terminology and editing; basic functions such as Sum, Average, Min, Max and Count; basic spreadsheet formatting such as changing font, alignment, number and cell styles; basic charting tools; and basic page setup and printing options. 

Microsoft Excel 2 (Basic & Intermediate)
发现格式化文本(包括Abs)的函数, Substitute, Upper, Lower, Trim and Concat; calculations using absolute references and order of operation; basic logical functions such as: If, Sumif and Countif; named ranges; and basic statistical and date/time functions.

Microsoft Excel 3 (Intermediate)
Explore 3D and external references and use in formulas; grouping and subtotals; sorting and applying filters on data; data validation and restriction; logical functions such as nested IF functions; special formatting such as table styles and sparklines; and paste special options.

PivotTables and PivotCharts

LOOKUP functions
完成这2小时的工作坊后, 您将能够使用LOOKUP函数从数据集中查找和检索数据块, 合并来自2个或更多表的数据并对数据进行分类/分类.

Microsoft PowerPoint Beginning
如果你想扩展你的基本计算机技能,这个8小时的讲习班是为你准备的! 提高效率,同时学习创建和编辑专业外观的演示文稿. 

Microsoft PowerPoint Intermediate
学习插入和格式化各种对象,如音频, video, SmartArt and hyperlinks; organize slides with sections; use advanced slideshow settings; customize templates and master slides; and use advanced saving and printing options. 

Microsoft Access Beginning
During this 8-hour workshop, you’ll gain efficiencies in creating, 导航和编辑一个简单的数据库.

Microsoft Access Intermediate

Microsoft Access Advanced
Learn about the design and purpose of more complex reports; outlines and calculations on reports; design and purpose of switchboards; macro recording of simple tasks; mail merging options; and data normalization.

Introduction to Computers
这个8小时的课程是专为那些谁是新的计算机和那些谁从未接受过正规培训的计算机基础知识. 课程学习目标是:识别和使用常用的计算机硬件设备(键盘), mouse, flash drive, etc); navigate in Microsoft Windows; manage folders and files, 在不同的位置保存和共享多种类型的文件,并撰写专业的电子邮件.

Excel Simple Macros
通过学习自动化重复任务,彻底改变您使用Excel的方式. 在这个4小时的研讨会中,您将学习如何记录和保存宏, perform basic macro edits, 调试简单的宏错误并添加表单控件.

数据可视化与MS Excel图表和仪表板
Upon completion of this 4-hour course, 您将能够创建各种专业的外观, 详细的图表来管理和可视化地呈现数据. 您还将创建交互式和动态仪表板来显示图表、数据和其他信息.

Microsoft Visio (Beginning)
学习基本和有用的工具和快捷方式来创建简单, 专业的流程图和图表在这个四小时的研讨会.

Microsoft Project
这个8小时的研讨会的重点是规划, 在MS项目中执行和监控项目管理计划. 您还将学习常见的项目管理术语, 如何比较和对比一个项目的实际vs. 计划预算以及如何解决项目计划中的常见问题和冲突.

QuickBooks (Beginning)
这个8小时的研讨会是理想的为那些谁是新的QuickBooks桌面和那些谁想要一个复习如何使用程序. 您将获得QuickBooks框架的理解,并学会有效地浏览程序, 从而使您能够更好地管理与业务相关的财务.